1. Visit the https://myid.tru.ca login page and enter your user name and password to log in.
On the Desktop Browser, click on the "Update Account Information" section to bring up the sign in page.
On the Mobile Browser, or App, click on the "Login" button to bring up the sign in page.
If you can't login please use the Password Reset Service to request a password reset.
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
2. Once you're logged in, Click on the Enrollment tab.
Mobile Browser / App: Tap on the profile icon located in the top left corner and click on enrolment.
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
3. Click on “Add Email” and wait for the prompt to appear.
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
4. Enter your recovery email in the provided field and click on the “Send Code” button (Computer Browser) or "Next" (Mobile Browser/App).
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
5. You have 5 minutes to complete the verification process. Check your personal email inbox for an email from noreply@adselfserviceplus.tru.ca.

6. Open the confirmation email and enter the verification code in the provided field below to confirm your recovery email address.
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
7. Repeat Steps #3 - #6 to add additional recovery email addresses.
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App
8. Log out of this service by clicking on the person icon at the top of the screen and selecting "Sign Out"
Computer Browser
Mobile Browser / App