First Time Logging In?
If you are a new student, you must change your password first. You will not be able to login to Moodle unless you have completed your first password reset.
Click HERE to go to the Password Reset Instructions page to see the instructions on how to setup your password for the first time.
Accessing Courses in Moodle
To access your Moodle courses go to and login with your network credentials.
Username: TRU ID (T00######)
Password: Network account password. (Same as your MyTRU password)
Campus Courses
Please contact your on-campus course instructor if you do not have access to your course on Moodle. Instructors will provide access when they are ready to do so.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Will I Have Access to Moodle Courses?
You will have access to Moodle courses for 1 year after the semester end date. Please contact your course instructor if you lose access sooner. Be sure to download and save materials and submissions that you will want to keep prior to losing access to the course.
I'm Having Technical Problems. Who Can Help?
Talk to your instructor first.
Moodle Support
If that does not resolve the issue, then click HERE to request Moodle Support for Moodle related issues.

IT Service Desk
For all other issues (account access, software/hardware issues, etc), click HERE to submit a General Inquiry to the IT Service Desk.