As a TRU student or employee, you have access to hundreds of apps in AppsAnywhere. Finding the specific apps you need for your learning, teaching or research shouldn’t be too onerous however, thanks to the excellent search and filtering available within the tool.
If you know the name of the app you need, you can type it into the Search field in the filter bar to quickly find it.

App Lists
Your instructor may provide you with a link to an App List for your course or program. Simply open that link to add the App List to your AppsAnywhere filter. Once you’ve done that, click App Lists in the filter bar and and chose the specific App List you want to view.
Note: You can also create your own App Lists if you wish.
Every AppsAnywhere can assemble their own list of favourite apps that they’ll want to return to frequently. To add an app to your Favourites, click the heart icon in the app Tile. The heart icon will change from grey to red and the app will now show up in your Favourites view.

Some software-intensive program areas have categories associated with them in AppsAnywhere. If your program is one of these, click Categories in the filter bar and choose your program area from the list to see only apps needed for those programs.