Resolving (and avoiding) common problems in AppsAnywhere

AppsAnywhere is a streaming technology that you use to install and use software locally on your device.

Software is packaged as a compartmentalized application and delivered on demand from an online repository. Applications are downloaded, saved in local cache, and run using the resources of the host computer.

Known Problem: Cloudpaging Player not installed
Known issue: Accessing licensed applications (Remotely or wireless)
Known Problem: Running AppsAnywhere/Cloudpaging apps on computers that already have the same app installed locally
Known Problem: Insufficient hardware
Known Problem: Slow Performance
Known Problem: Limited local drive space
Known Problem: Caching delays
Known Problem: insufficient cache
Known limitation: Operating System restrictions


Article ID: 6665
Thu 8/24/23 10:16 AM
Wed 11/29/23 10:11 AM

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