This Article contains instructions for adding New or Shared Mailboxes to the Outlook Desktop App
For an Article with instructions for Outlook Webmail, please see Accessing Webmail
Adding a Mailbox
When adding a New or Shared Mailbox to the Outlook App, there are two primary methods. Please note that the first method is recommended for any Group, Shared, or Generic Email Account Mailboxes. A second method is included here for use sharing specific folders in a mail account that you are the owner of, such as your own Mailbox. Sharing your Mailbox Folders requires set up from both the Mailbox Owner and the person the Mailbox is shared with
For Outlook on Apple macOS Computers, please ensure that "New Outlook" mode is TURNED OFF. You can find information about turning "New Outlook" off below or at this Helpful Website. "New Outlook" will interfere with several functions and security features in use by TRU
Turning Off "New Outlook"
Outlook for Mac 16.58 and Higher:
- Open Outlook for Mac
- Click Help in the Tool Bar
- Click "Revert to Legacy Outlook" in the Help Menu
Outlook for Mac 16.57 and Lower:
- Open Outlook for Mac
- On the Outlook Title Bar (in the top right) Set the "New Outlook" switch to OFF
Access to a Group, Shared, or Generic Email Account/Mailbox requires an Application Systems Access Request to be submitted, processed, and completed to Grant Access
Submit your ASARs on the IT Services Portal at Application and System Access Request (ASAR)
Add a New Account to Outlook (Recommended)
Access to Group, Shared, or Generic Email Mailboxes starts with a completed Application and System Access Request (ASAR). When your ASAR is completed, you can follow these steps to Add the Mailbox to your Outlook Desktop App
- Open the Outlook Desktop App - Make sure that "New Outlook" mode is OFF. You can find steps to do so in the Turning Off "New Outlook" instructions above
- Click on the Tools Menu option from your Outlook Menu Bar at the top of the Outlook App
Click on "Accounts..."
- This will open the Accounts dialogue. Look for the Add Account (+) Button under the List of Accounts
- Click on the (+) then Click "New Account..."
- This will open the Set Up Your Email Prompt. Enter the Email Address of the Mailbox
Click Continue
- Outlook will begin to search for Mail Server Settings for the Mailbox Account. You should shortly be prompted to enter a password for the Email Address
Continue on to Step #7 before entering any Passwords
- Most Group, Shared, or Generic Mailboxes will NOT have their own Password
Click "Sign in with another account" and Proceed to Step #8
If the Mailbox you are adding DOES have its own Password, Continue on with Step #9
- When adding a Mailbox without its own Password, you Sign In with your Account Credentials after Clicking "Sign in with another account"
Type in your Email Address and Click Next
- Outlook will prompt for the Password
Enter the Password and Click Sign In
- You may be Prompted for DUO. Click on the DUO Authentication Method you use and Complete the authentication process to continue
- Sometimes, Outlook will return you to the Enter Password Prompt after you Sign In with your own Account Credentials. If this occurs, Click on "Sign in with another account" again. A list of available accounts will be displayed. Click on your Account, as previously added and Click through the prompts
- Wait for Outlook to complete the Login and set up the Mailbox. Click Done
- You should now see the Accounts dialogue again with the new Mailbox listed in the Accounts List
Close the Accounts dialogue to return to Outlook
- If you don't see the newly added Mailbox in Outlook, Quit Outlook from the File Menu and Open Outlook again. When Outlook is open again, the new Mailbox should appear in your Mailbox Pane and you can use the Mailbox the same as any other Mailbox in Outlook
- Depending on the Size of the Mailbox, it may take longer than usual for Outlook to open again after adding a Group, Shared, or Generic Mailbox. Wait as long as it takes for Outlook to finish loading. If this process lasts more than 10 minutes, please Contact the IT Service Desk for assistance
- When Outlook is open again, the new Mailbox should appear in your Mailbox Pane and you can use the Mailbox the same as any other Mailbox in Outlook
When you click on a newly added Mailbox and an error message such as "The set of folders could not be opened [...]", or the Mailbox Folders are empty. Contact the IT Service Desk for assistance. Your Account may not have the correct permissions to access the Mailbox or another issue may be preventing it from opening correctly.
Share Mailbox Folders (Step #1) - Mailbox Owner
With this method, access to an Additional Mailbox is granted by the Owner of that Mailbox. This access can be provisioned by having the owner right-click (or control-click) the account in Outlook, and selecting "Sharing Permissions...". Any other user can be added, and given the exact level of permissions required.
Please note that you will need to do the following to any sub-folders within the account, including the Inbox and Deleted Items. Mailbox Owners must share their Mail Account, Inbox, and Deleted Items with Folder Visible Permissions at a minimum. This will ensure that Subfolders of the Inbox can be used. You do not need to grant Read, Delete, or Write Permissions to your Inbox, but Deleted Items will require Visible and Create Permissions.
Mailbox Owner: Adding Permissions
- Open the Outlook Desktop App - Make sure that "New Outlook" mode is OFF. You can find steps to do so in the Turning Off "New Outlook" instructions above
- Right-Click or CONTROL-Click on the Account in the Outlook Mailboxes Pane
Click on "Folder Permissions..."
- This will open the Properties dialogue for the Mailbox
Click on "Add User..." to to open the Add Users search
- Enter a Name or Email to search for. Select the Account from the search results and Click Add
- You will be returned to the Folder Permissions Settings and will now have to Configure the Permissions Level to assign to this person using the Permissions Levels settings
- Click the Account you have added in the list
Use the Permission Level Drop-Down to pick a set of pre-defined Permissions Profiles
You can also Set a Custom Permission Profile using the Read/Write/Delete Items/Other options below the Permissions Level Drop-Down. You may also further customize the pre-defined Permissions Profiles using these options after selecting a Permissions Level
Click OK when you have completed assigning Permissions
- These steps to Set Folder Permissions will need to be repeated for Any and All Subfolders you wish to grant access to, including your Inbox and Deleted Items
Right-Click or CONTROL-Click on any Folder or Subfolder in your Mailbox, then Click "Sharing Permissions..." to access the Folder Properties
- Click on the Permissions Tab to Add, Set, Edit, or Remove Sharing Permissions for Folders and Subfolders in the same way as above
- Repeat this for any Folders and Subfolders to be shared. Mailbox Owners must share their Mail Account, Inbox, and Deleted Items with Folder Visible Permissions at a minimum. This will ensure that Subfolders of the Inbox can be used. You do not need to grant Read, Delete, or Write Permissions to your Inbox, but Deleted Items will require Visible and Create Permissions.
Share Mailbox Folders (Step #2) - Adding Mailbox Folders
Please Note that "Share Mailbox Folders - Mailbox Owner" from the guide above must be completed first, before you will be able to add and see any Mailbox Folders from another account. Mailbox Owners must share their Mail Account, Inbox, and Deleted Items with Folder Visible Permissions at a minimum. This will ensure that Subfolders of the Inbox can be used. You do not need to grant Read, Delete, or Write Permissions to your Inbox, but Deleted Items will require Visible and Create Permissions.
- Open the Outlook Desktop App - Make sure that "New Outlook" mode is OFF. You can find steps to do so in the Turning Off "New Outlook" instructions above
- Click on the Tools Menu option from your Outlook Menu Bar at the top of the Outlook App
Click on "Accounts..."
- This will open the Account Settings dialogue
Click on your personal Email Account from the list then Click on "Advanced..."
- Configuration options will appear. Click on the Delegates Tab
- On the Delegates Tab, Look for the "Open these additional mailboxes:" options
Click the Plus Sign (+) to open a Search dialogue
- The Search dialogue will open. Type in the Email Address of the Mailbox you are adding, Select it from the search results and Click Add
- The "Open these additional mailboxes:" list will now show the Mailbox you have added
Click OK to continue
- Close the Accounts Settings dialogue to return to Outlook
- Quit Outlook from the File Menu and Open Outlook again. When Outlook is open again, the new Mailbox Folders should appear in your Mailbox Pane and you can use the Mailbox the same as any other Mailbox
- You may be prompted for your Password at some point when Adding the Mailbox or Opening Outlook. Enter your Password and Click Sign In. If prompted for DUO, Click on your DUO Authentication Method and Complete the authentication process to proceed
- With Outlook restarted, you will now see and access the Account in the Mailbox & Folders Pane as shown below. If you encounter errors or don't see the Mailbox Folders shared by the Owner when you open the Account - please first reach out to the Mailbox Owner. Have them confirm that your Email Account has had the correct Permissions set up. Please Contact the IT Service Desk for assistance if you are still unable to see or open folders after Sharing Permissions have been checked by the Mailbox Owner. The Service Desk will need to connect to both your Computer and the Mailbox Owner's Computer to investigate settings in Outlook on both devices