Add a New or Shared Mailbox to Outlook (macOS)

This Article contains instructions for adding New or Shared Mailboxes to the Outlook Desktop App

For an Article with instructions for Outlook Webmail, please see Accessing Webmail

Adding a Mailbox

When adding a New or Shared Mailbox to the Outlook App, there are two primary methods. Please note that the first method is recommended for any Group, Shared, or Generic Email Account Mailboxes. A second method is included here for use sharing specific folders in a mail account that you are the owner of, such as your own Mailbox. Sharing your Mailbox Folders requires set up from both the Mailbox Owner and the person the Mailbox is shared with

For Outlook on Apple macOS Computers, please ensure that "New Outlook" mode is TURNED OFF. You can find information about turning "New Outlook" off below or at this Helpful Website. "New Outlook" will interfere with several functions and security features in use by TRU

Turning Off "New Outlook"

Access to a Group, Shared, or Generic Email Account/Mailbox requires an Application Systems Access Request to be submitted, processed, and completed to Grant Access

Submit your ASARs on the IT Services Portal at Application and System Access Request (ASAR)

Add a New Account to Outlook (Recommended)
Share Mailbox Folders (Step #1) - Mailbox Owner
Share Mailbox Folders (Step #2) - Adding Mailbox Folders