Report Issues with GPCloudService VPN Portal

<h2>What is This Service</h2>

<p>This service is for the creation of New VPN access, or changes to existing access. We also provide support for issues installing or utilizing the VPN&nbsp;software.<br />
Our VPN client is the Global Protect VPN. Information on installing or configuring the software can be found below.</p>

<p><strong>To setup VPN on your device, follow the instructions for your operating system:</strong></p>

<p>Windows:&nbsp;<a href="" onclick=", 'VPNSetupforWindows', 'resizable=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false;">VPN Setup for Windows</a></p>

<p>Mac: <a href="">VPN Setup for Mac</a></p>

<p>Linux: <a href="">VPN Setup for Linux</a></p>

<p><span data-darkreader-inline-color="" style="color: rgb(178, 34, 34); --darkreader-inline-color: #ea5c5c;">Please note that we do not officially support Linux-based operating systems at this time.</span></p>


<h2>Who is Eligible</h2>

<p>Employees and students.</p>

<h2>Where Can I Get This Service</h2>

<p>Select <b>Report Issues with GPCloudService Portal&nbsp;</b>on this page for support as a staff member</p>

<p>Select <b>Report Issues with VPN.TRU.CA Portal&nbsp;</b>on this page for support as a student or contractor.</p>

<h2>How Do I Use This Service</h2>

<p>When requesting this service you must provide the following:</p>

    <li>Contact Information
        <li>Phone Number</li>
        <li>Email Address</li>
    <li>Device Information
        <li>Device Operating System</li>

Report Issues with GPCloudService Portal


Service Offering Id: 649
Tue 11/22/22 3:06 PM
Fri 3/8/24 8:59 AM