Microsoft Planner is a task tracker that can be used for managing very simple projects and is integrated with Teams. Planner allows teams to create, assign, and organize work visually. It facilitates teamwork, shows progress visibility, and task coordination. Microsoft Planner involves creating a plan that is equivalent to starting a project made up of tasks organized into buckets or categories. You can assign each task a label, a deadline, and a team member.
How do I add a plan to an existing team or channel?
Plans are added to a specific channel. To do so, select the channel you want to add a plan to. Then at the top of the page select the "+" icon (likely next to the "Post" and "Files" tabs). From there select the Planner app. It should now appears as a tab at the top of the page.
Can I create a new plan based on an existing one?
It takes a lot of work to create the perfect project plan. With Planner's copy plan feature, you don't have to create perfect plans from scratch any more. You can create a copy of the plan so you can reuse it, or you can copy individual tasks. This article from Microsoft explains how to copy a plan, and which elements of plans will or will not be copied to the new plan.
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