Products affected: Statistics 29.0, 29.0.1, and
Platforms affected: MacOSX
The related defect id(s): #7198 SPSS Stats Doesn't Run on MacOS Sonoma
After installation of IBM SPSS on macOS 14 (Sonoma), you may be presented with one of two screens.

How to apply the hot fix:
Close all instances of Statistics 29 Desktop
Navigate to the ../lib subdirectory in the Statistics 29 Desktop installation path (e.g. "/Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics/SPSS"). This can be done by right clicking on the SPSS Statics program in the Application list, and selecting "show Package Contents"
Locate the "libplatdep.dylib" file and back it up to a separate folder, such as your Desktop.
Copy the attached "libplatdep.dylib" interim fix file to the 29 installation folder located in step 2.
Make sure the installed files have correct permissions (e.g. chmod 755)
Start SPSS Statics program again