FAQ's for Retiree Email


FAQ's about TRU's Retiree Email policy


FAQ’s for Retiree Email

Frequently Asked Questions about TRU Retiree Email Accounts 

1.  Why the move to separate @retiree.tru.ca email?

In late 2017, President’s Council was advised about privacy issues relating to the practice of allowing retirees to retain their TRU employee email accounts. President’s Council asked TRU to explore ways to provide retired/retiring TRU employees with a TRU email account while meeting the requirements of the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). A separate retiree email account system will ensure TRU is meeting its obligations under FIPPA.

2.  Why does my existing employee email address create a privacy issue?

Under FIPPA, section 33.1 (e), TRU may disclose personal information in its custody or under its control to employees if the information is necessary for the performance of their job duties. Given retirees are no longer employees of TRU, having access to an employee email account means retirees are receiving communication, some of it confidential, which is only intended for current employees. Additionally, when a TRU retiree keeps an existing employee email account, the account is not emptied out and therefore retains personal or confidential information that should no longer be accessible upon retirement.

3.  Why do I have to opt in to get a retiree email account? Can’t it be automatic?

The TRU Employee Recognition Policy has for many years allowed employees retiring from TRU to keep their existing employee email accounts. We estimate that since inception of this policy, a majority of the employee email accounts that were automatically kept “active” for retirees’ use are actually dormant, unused. (Between August and November 2018, less than half of retired TRU employees accessed their email accounts.) Dormant email accounts use TRU resources and increase risk for the university.

Asking for confirmation upon retirement that you want a retiree email account will ensure that TRU’s server resources are being used responsibly, and that unwanted accounts are archived safely under the TRU Records Retention/Destruction Policy.

4.  What happens to messages I’ve saved in my existing employee email account?

If you’ve replied to confirm you would like to obtain a retiree email account, you will receive instructions to move your personal email only over to a “Retiree Personal Email” folder for transfer to your new account. After the deadline to move your personal email has passed, your employee account will be closed and all your email will be archived and managed according to TRU's Records Retention/Destruction Policy.


If you are a current or upcoming retiree who does not want a retiree email account, your existing employee email account access will be closed, and your email will be archived and managed according to the Records Retention/Destruction Policy.

5.  What is considered personal email?

If you are transitioning to a retiree account, you may only move your personal email. Personal email includes communication that does not relate to TRU and your role as a former TRU employee. It’s important that university records not be transferred.

While this will be an honour system, TRU retains the right to audit email accounts to ensure only permitted records are transferred. If your account is chosen for audit, you will be notified prior to the audit as outlined under section II (2) of TRU’s Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy.

6.  Will my address book and calendar transfer over from my employee account to my retiree account?

No, your email address book and calendar will not be transferred automatically. You must record any email addresses and future appointments that you wish to add to your new TRU retiree account yourself, in the allotted time before your employee account is closed.

7.  What if I miss some messages during the transfer? How do I retrieve them?

You must move all personal items to your “Retiree Personal Email” folder (as well as recording email addresses and upcoming calendar items) within the allotted timeframe. TRU is not able to go back at a later date and look in archives for items that were missed.

8.  I haven’t retired yet—will I need to ask for an account?

For employees preparing to retire from TRU, information and instructions about transitioning to a retiree email account will be provided by People and Culture as part of the off-boarding process. You will be asked to confirm if you want an account as part of the off-boarding process. To meet privacy requirements, TRU must close and archive your employee account under the TRU Records Retention/Destruction Policy on your retirement date.

9.  Will moving my personal email into my “Retiree Personal Email” folder save those messages, even if I don’t opt to get a retiree email account?

No, the Retiree Personal Email folder that is automatically set up for upcoming retirees is only for transferring personal email to a new TRU retiree account. If you are not getting a retiree account, and have personal email you want to keep after your account is closed, you must forward it before your retirement date to your own personal email address.


Per question 5—What is considered personal email?—TRU retains the right to audit email accounts to ensure only permitted, personal email is transferred from your employee account. If your account is chosen for audit, you will be notified prior to the audit as outlined under section II (2) of TRU’s Responsible Use of Information Technology Policy.

In addition, moving emails into the Retiree Personal Email folder is not an indication of wanting a retiree email account—you must confirm with HR directly per the off-boarding instructions.

10. Will my new @retiree.tru.ca account give me all the same features and access as my employee account?

Your new @retiree.tru.ca account will allow you to keep your affiliation with TRU, but clearly indicates that you are no longer a TRU employee. As a retiree, you will no longer have access to OneTRU, or to TRU’s internal listserves such as the ECom Staff List, Faculty List or CUPE list. You will no longer receive TRU Announcements or other employee messages; however, TRU may email you on occasion with notices specific to retirees. Your account comes with 2 GB of storage space.

To keep you in touch with what’s happening at TRU, the Retired Employees web page will provide you with TRU news and events listings, resource links and retiree-specific notices.

11. Will new messages to my old employee address be forwarded automatically to my new account?


12. What happens if I obtain a retiree email account, but end up not using it?

If a retiree email account is not accessed for three months, TRU will send a notice advising of account closure. If there is no reply, the account will be considered inactive, access will be removed and the account will be archived and managed according to TRU’s Records Retention/Destruction policy.

13. Who do I talk to if I have more questions?

Any questions should be directed to humanresources@tru.ca (People and Culture), and depending on the nature of your question, staff from People and Culture, IT Services or the Privacy Office will be in touch to assist you.



Article ID: 2122
Mon 9/27/21 11:59 AM
Wed 9/11/24 11:17 AM

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