Digital signature tools utilizes either web based or software installed on your computer to enable you to sign a document electronically.
More information on individual digital signature tools can be found below.
The DocuSign platform provides electronic signature technology and digital transaction management services for facilitating electronic exchanges of contracts and signed documents.
DocuSign provides some excellent videos on how to get started:
Adobe Acrobat signature using Adobe PDF. Not to be confused with Adobe Sign. It allows electronic signature and the ability to add text, such as your name, company title and date.
Please see the instructions for Setup
DocuSign |
Adobe |
Description |
A web based electronic signature software package using your TRU credentials to login with. When an individual sends an envelope, it is a link to the document that is stored on a Canadian server. |
An electronic signature using Adobe PDF. When you save the document, the signature and any text added become part of the PDF. |
Features |
- Handwritten or Automatically generated signature
- Sign from anywhere
- Automatic Reminders
- Workflows
- Generate Reports
- Add reusable Templates
- Handwritten or Automatically generated signature
- Sign from anywhere
Typical Use |
Lawful and court-admissible documents.
Signing general documents that would normally be filled out by simply signing a piece of paper.
TRU Recommended Use |
Recommended for signing documents that may carry potential risk, PI data or when dealing with medium-high cost investments.
Key requisitions, time approvals, and expense forms.
What do I need? |
- An email address to receive documents for signature.
- A DocuSign account to send documents for signature which is free to TRU employees.
Adobe Acrobat, which is available free to TRU employees. |
Security |
DocuSign currently provides the most secure form of digital signature. Complies with TRU Privacy and Security standards. |