Smart Phone Standards


Smart phones such as BlackBerrys and iPhones which are used to access University systems such as email, require a number of unique security measures.


Smart phones such as BlackBerrys and iPhones which are used to access University systems such as email, require a number of unique security measures. The Information Technology Services division will enforce these standards where possible, but all users of these devices are required to meet these standards.

Adopted by the Information Security Committee - April 20, 2010

All TRU employees using SmartPhones such as BlackBerry’s and iPhone’s which have access to TRU email and/or store any confidential TRU information must ensure that these devices are secure.

Minimum security measures include:

  • a minimum four character password
  • a maximum ten password attempt lockout
  • automatic screen locking after a maximum 15 minutes of idle time

In the event that these devices are lost or stolen, the owner must ensure that the TRU IT Service Desk or TRU Security is informed as soon as possible so that Information Technology Services can delete all information from the device. Once recovered or replaced this information will be restored.

Contact Information:

TRU Security – 250-828-5033 or email
IT Service Desk – 250-852-6800 or email



Article ID: 1250
Tue 5/18/21 11:47 AM
Fri 4/14/23 2:29 PM

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