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Services or Offerings?
Access, forwarding setup, and other issues regarding Student Outlook Mail.

Support for the Slido polling and engagement tool

Enabling or Troubleshooting Azure Multifactor Authentication (Student).

Support and information for the Mattermost collaboration platform

Information About and Issue Reporting for the MyTRU Student Portal

Responding to malware, identity theft, and other incidents

Quickly report an issue impacting a service or system

Support for Student printers

Issues with the TRU or Eduroam WiFi.

Request new VPN access or changes to current access.

Register a personal device to connect to the TRU wireless network.

The ITS Information Security Team includes ITS managers and staff from Technology Services, Enterprise Systems, Client Services, and the Information Security Office.

Reset a Student or Staff TRU Network Password.

Request maintenance for a printer

Report Issues with GPCloudService VPN Portal