YubiKey End-User Instructions


Hardware (YubiKey) Setup and usage instructions


DUO 2FA YubiKey End-User Instructions

See attached file for the End-User Instructions given out to DUO 2FA YubiKey Users. A transcription is included below.


YubiKey Setup Instructions

I’ll include instructions for using the Yubikey below. If you have questions about the process, please let us know here. If you have support questions or need help faster the IT Service Desk details are below.

By using the YubiKey and signing the request form:

  • You acknowledge that the YubiKey remains the property of TRU and will be returned promptly on request
  • You accept full responsibility for the YubiKey issued to you
  • You will exercise due care to always safeguard the YubiKey
  • You will not borrow other’s YubiKeys nor lend YubiKeys issued to you
  • You will report lost/stolen YubiKeys to IT Services (6800) and Campus Security (5033) immediately

Authenticating with a YubiKey on PC/Mac:

The YubiKey works by generating a unique code when you touch the gold circle on the top, called the BUTTON in the instructions below.

Plug the YubiKey into an available USB port on your computer. If this is the first time, it will take a few moments to install drivers and complete an initial configuration.

Connecting to the Global Protect VPN with a YubiKey:

  1. Ensure the YubiKey is plugged into an available USB port on the computer that you are using
  2. Open the Global Protect VPN software and connect to vpn.tru.ca
  3. Enter your TRU username
  4. Enter your password, followed by a comma, and then touch the button on the YubiKey. This will automatically enter the unique code and press enter for you
  5. You should now be connected to the VPN and its resources

Connecting to MS Cloud Services with a YubiKey:

  1. Ensure the YubiKey is plugged into an available USB port on the computer that you are using
  2. Sign into the Microsoft product as you normally would
  3. You will be presented with a Duo web prompt
  4. Select “Token” from the device drop down
  5. Click on the “Enter a passcode” button
  6. Click into the text box so the blinking cursor appears
  7. Touch the button on the YubiKey. This will automatically enter the unique code and press enter for you
  8. You should now be connected to the MS cloud service you had logged into

You do not need to keep the YubiKey connected to your computer while using the Global Protect VPN or the MS Cloud service, once you have authenticated with it. MS Cloud/Email will remember your device for 365 days, VPN will require MFA every sign in.

If you require further technical assistance, you can contact the IT Service Desk at 1-888-852-8533 (Toll-Free in Canada), 250-852-6800 (in Kamloops) or via email @ ITServiceDesk@tru.ca.

