Keys Request - Frequently Asked Questions


Keys Request Frequently Asked Questions



Does everyone need building keys?

  • The need for keys depends on the job. Many employees do not require keys to effectively carry out their duties. Some employees have an occasional or seasonal requirement. If routine duties are normally carried out during regular business hours, then the key to your office may be all that is required. If on the other hand an employee routinely and frequently accesses locked spaces, then consideration should be given to issuing keys for those areas.

What if I need access infrequently?

  • Seasonal or occasional access to space may be accommodated by a “key tracer,” an electronically controlled lock box containing keys. An employee requiring access on an occasional basis will have access to the “key tracer” to remove a specific key ring. A “key tracer” is capable of holding multiple sets of keys. The “key tracer” requires a code or card to open the box and remove only the keys that have been set up for the individual’s profile. Keys not returned to the “key tracer” by the prescribed time will trigger an alert. Initially, one key tracer holding up to 20 sets of keys will be introduced as a test. Additional units may be introduced if our experience with this technology is positive.

Why not go with electronic locks?

  • The existing key system is at capacity and cannot accommodate further expansion. It must be replaced for its own sake. Electronic locks are an option, but there is a considerable difference in costs between conventional and electronic locks. We plan to introduce electronic locks on a limited basis in the future, but it is outside the scope of the re-key project.

Can Deans and Directors approve their own key requisition?

  • Key holders may not approve their own requisition. At least one level of separation is required between the key holder and the approver. This is consistent with the treatment of travel claims, P-cards, petty cash, etc.



Article ID: 4279
Fri 8/19/22 2:19 PM
Mon 12/4/23 5:10 PM

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